We decided to develop and build our own in-house angiosuite (a specialised vascular imaging and procedure operating theatre) because we want the best for our patients:

1) Improved imaging quality and guidance for our patients . An angiosuite is equipped with advanced fluoroscopic imaging systems that can provide high-resolution, real-time visualization of blood vessels during minimally invasive procedures. This greatly enhances our vascular surgeons’ ability to accurately navigate catheters and devices to the target area.
2) Expanded treatment options for our patients. The specialized equipment and infrastructure of an angiosuite enables the performance of a wider range of complex endovascular interventions for our vascular surgeons.
3) Enhanced patient experience. Our dedicated angiosuite is designed with patient comfort and safety in mind. Features like adjustable lighting, monitors, and patient positioning equipment. This can help make the procedure less intimidating for our patients.
4) Significant convenience for our patients. They do not have to be transported to a separate facility for their vascular procedure/s. Everything can be done in one familiar location, saving them time and potential logistical challenges.